Artists & Descriptions

LRN 1: Mose Allison / Irma Thomas
An original from the Beat Generation rediscovered by Bonnie Raitt & Van Morrison / The undeniable Queen of Louisiana music Grammy Award for Best Blues Artist

LRN 2: Gatemouth Brown / Marcia Ball
A master of big band rhythm & blues Grammy Award winner/ Marcia rocks, swings and boogies like no other multi Grammy nominee

LRN 3: Johnny Rivers / Shirley Neal
A Louisiana rock n roll pioneer multi Grammy Awards / wife of legendary Baton Rouge blues legend Raful Neal

LRN 4: Linda Hopkins / Terrance Simien
New Orleans diva of gospel, jazz & r&b / Grammy winning Prince of Zydeco music

LRN 5: Tab Benoit / Tabby Thomas
Today’s Blues Rockin’guitar slinger / The all time General of Baton Rouge Blues

LRN 6: John Fred / Raful Neal / Rudy Richard
Mr. Baton Rouge Rock n Roll / Godfather of BR blues / Slim Harpo’s King Bee stinger

LRN 7: Deacon John Moore / Luther Kent / Larry Garner
Most soulful artist in New Orleans / Biggest vocalist in the cosmos / Savior of BR blues

LRN 8: Alvin Batiste / Lovell Moore
The maestro master of BR jazz / wife of Slim Harpo & co-author of Rainin’ in my Heart

LRN 9: E. Rodney Jones / Gloria Green
Maharaja of blues radio & Radio Hall of Famer / Wife of Bluesman Lonesome Sundown

LRN 10: Tony Joe White / Bonnie Bramlett
Songwriter extraordinaire Poke Salad Annie Grammy Award winner/ R&R Princess of 60’s R&R scene Grammy Award winner

LRN 11: Sonny Landreth / Victoria Williams
Guitarist of major significance / R&R Songwriter covered by Pearl Jam /Lou Reed etc.

LRN 12: Chris Thomas King / Theresa Andersson
Millennium actor/blues rocker multi Grammy awards for O Brother Where Art Thou / Swedish beauty full of rhythm & melodies

LRN 13: Henry Gray / Roy Hayes
The all-time boogie woogie BR pianist / author of “I’m Gonna Be A Wheel Someday”

LRN 14: Jesse Winchester / Carol Fran
Very insightful soul songster / Another of the classic ladies of Louisiana music